Process Cruise #1
Additional Materials
Process Cruise #1
R/V Knorr, 8 May-7 June 200
Cruise Map
The CCE study area off Southern California. Yellow dots represent the CalCOFI grid. The locations of CTD casts made during Cruise P0605 are represented by red squares. Clusters of these show the five experimental cycles following the drift paths of drogued experimental arrays. The initial cycle locations coincide roughly with positions along CalCOFI line 80 off Point Conception. (Click map for larger view.)
Cruise Data
Satellite Imagery (M. Kahru, G. Mitchell, M. Ohman)
Cruise Map
CTD (R. Goericke)
- Cast log (xls)(pdf)
- Plots of 5 cycles
- CTD Downcast data table (xls)(pdf)
- P0605-P0704 Hydrographic Data Info
- Cycle 1 – Temp/Salinity/Density/Fluor/Oxygen/Light extinction vs. Pressure
- Cycle 2 – Temp/Salinity/Density/Fluor/Oxygen/Light extinction vs. Pressure
- Cycle 3 – Temp/Salinity/Density/Fluor/Oxygen/Light extinction vs. Pressure
- Cycle 4 – Temp/Salinity/Density/Fluor/Oxygen/Light extinction vs. Pressure
- Cycle 5 – Temp/Salinity/Density/Fluor/Oxygen/Light extinction vs. Pressure
Drifter (M. Ohman)
- Position Data (xls)(pdf)
- Average drifter velocities and bearings for 5 Cycles
- Overview of drifter tracks for all cycles combined
- Individual 5 drifter tracks
- Drifter SST measurements
Mocness (M. Ohman)
- Cycle 1 – Temp/Salinity/Sigma-t/O2/Atten. coeff./Flour vs. Pressure
- Cycle 2 – Temp/Salinity/Sigma-t/O2/Atten. coeff./Flour vs. Pressure
- Cycle 3 – Temp/Salinity/Sigma-t/O2/Atten. coeff./Flour vs. Pressure
- Cycle 4 – Temp/Salinity/Sigma-t/O2/Atten. coeff./Flour vs. Pressure
- Cycle 5 – Temp/Salinity/Sigma-t vs. Pressure
- Plots of 5 cycles
- Plots of 5 cycles to 500m
- Mocness Tow Sheets (27)
- Mocness Tow Locations (27)
- Mocness Upcast Data Table (xls)(pdf)
BONGO Tows (Ohman)
MVP – Moving Vessel Profiler (M. Ohman; R. Goericke)
At Sea
Post Cruise
Nutrients (R. Goericke)
Spray Glider (M. Ohman)
Data Management (M. Frants)
Additional Materials
- Cruise Report
- Event Log (PDF)(Excel)
- Participants (PDF)(Excel)
- Activity Schedule
- Event Glossary